Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thanks A Lot Ohio!

Fucking flatlanders. The only thing you're good for is Roller Coasters, hell and even then most of your damn thrill rides were designed by foreign companies.

I know it's early...7:33 Mountain Time as I type these words. There's still time, but given the early results it's hard to see a big turn.

Jesus fuck, you stupid idiots from Ohio. I understand where you're coming from, really, I do. I'm from Maine. We're poor, NAFTA hurt us too, but honestly, you think Clinton is th fix to this? The bun to the hotdog in the most divisive Democratic family since the Jesus's's (What's that? Not their last name? Fuck you.) gets your vote? How in the hell did you fall for that stupid NAFTA commercial bullshit? Her husband passed NAFTA (the single most damaging trade bill in American History)!!!!!!!!!! SHE LOVES IT!!!! My lord you fuckers are idiots.

There's no check mark next to Hilldawg yet on that CNN screen cap, but c'mon -- that's a pretty solid indicator (I pray to all things holy that I'm wrong and tomorrow morning I have to put some crow in the toaster)

Sorry for the profanity. Actually, no, I'm not. I'm pissed. I should be reading right now, instead I'm drinking a beer and trying to think of something worse to call Ohioans than Midwesterners but I can't. Being from the Midwest is insult enough.

Look, I've got nothing against HRC, I don't. I think she's smart, competent...looks really owns the room when she wears a nice pantsuit... But she's less progressive than Richard Nixon. How is it you idiots in the middle of the country don't understand the progressive revolution -- you know, the one where we make sure everyone has the right to medical care, everyone has the right to an education, everyone has the right to stay safe from your dumb fuck neighbor's guns, everyone has the right to enjoy clean water/air/hiking trails/wildlife refuges (not to mention the animals!) and an assload of other things that are good for America...

You're as bad as Republicans. I wonder if Canada wants to buy you. Asshats. You go to the polls, vote for Hillary, and help to prolong this race? You know what's more important than which individual takes the White House this year? Which Party Does. This election is more important than Hillary or Obama. Fact is, Hillary's easier to beat than Obama is. She's more divisive and is able to split Democrats themselves, whereas Obama is able to not only get Democrats, but also Independents and Republicans(!!!!!) to vote for him.

You, Ohio, may have singlehandedly fucked us. Hillary may still be kept from obtaining the nomination, but your delegates may cause this race to go on much longer than it should, further dividing America.

You, Ohio, may have singlehandedly ruined the future of my kids (holy shit I wish I could say I was kidding.) If McCain wins this thing, we're asking for more wars! We're asking for more terrorist attacks! We're asking for terrible impressions of him on SNL!

You, Ohio, may have fucked this up. I swear to god, if you did, right after I come ride your excellent roller coasters one more time, I'm going to shit on your entire state. Just gonna drop a great big Wendy's influenced deuce all over it.


I hope I'm wrong.

Whoa! Beer's empty! lolrz rotfl!!!!


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