Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rock...Chalk....You're an idiot, Kansas

I'll admit it, I was rooting for Bill Self and his boys. Why? Not really sure. Maybe because this website I'm working on has some video clips with Bill Self in them. Other than that, I'm really not sure.

I've got a friend or two who went to Kansas, but that didn't really influence my rooting preferences. Let it be known here, however, that I had to try incredibly hard just to root for someone. I abhor college basketball. It's so amazingly boring.

In any event I'd just like to say: Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk? Really? That's it? That's the best you could do? Leave it to the fkn idiots in Kansas to come up with something as insanely stupid as "Rock Chalk Jayhawk."

Months ago a friend from Kansas excitedly regaled me with the tale of how "RCJ" came to be, with all the exuberance expected if we'd just landed on Mars. Apparently "Chalk" is a "Rock" prevalent in the ground of Kansas, and Jayhawk is of course the KU mascot.

Really Kansas? This is what you did? You were so excited to find not one but TWO!!! words that rhymed with Jayhawk you just had to make that your school chant?

Fucking morons.

Apparently the chant used to be "Rah Rah Jayhawk," according to Wikipedia, but an English professor suggested it be changed to "Rock Chalk Jayhawk."

Holy christ I've just discovered proof of evolution, albeit reverse evolution. You people in Kansas managed to make a bad cheer worse! You're all idiots.

Look, I've come up with some other fantastic cheers in the spirit of "Rock Chalk Jayhawk!"


Tree Pine BlackBears!
Mountains Rocky Pioneers!
Rafts Cubans Miami!
Mediocre Banal IUP!

Fkn Kansas. You're a bunch of idiots.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Denver Open Media MIxers

To the DOM Community CD Swappers: Thanks!

Thanks for grabbing my mix tonight, April 4. An additional thank you for leaving your mix.

Some I've enjoyed thus far, some I've wondered what in the hell you were smoking when you made it -- but such is the beauty of mixing. Some of us mix sounds and burn it, some of us mix music, and burn it, some of us simply mix different songs on a disc, and burn that. Whatever it may be, we're entitled to our own delicious art.

Some notes about my mix: Yes it's mainstream-y. It's supposed to be that way. I wasn't feeling organic when I made it, so I stuck to things that were produced and quite literally ready to rock.

It starts heavy, slows a touch, gets bigger again then just sort of pulls you in a wagon slowly down a snow-covered road to the end -- soft and leisurely. I hope you find it enjoyable.

One last thanks for stopping by my blog. Digg it, stumble it, whatever you can do is appreciated. Read some posts and see what you think, it's just a little place I call cyber-home. Feel free to also check out an art-rambling blog about my new journey as an artists at justaddjason.wordpress.com.

Comments and emails are always appreciated.

Oh, and just in case all the track info doesn't come through, I've listed it here:

1. Slow Suicide by JamisonParker
2. The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by Brand New
3. Sore Thumb by The Format
4. Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams
5. 0% Interest by Jason Mraz
6. So Much Trouble by Matt Pond PA
7. When I Get Home You're So Dead by Mayday Parade
8. Let's Get Fucked Up and Die by Motion City Soundtrack
9. Simple Song by Rustic Overtones
10. Left and Leaving by The Weakerthans
11. Brothers on a Hotel Bed by Death Cab for Cutie
12. Untitled 3 by Sigur Ros
13. The Trapeze Swinger by Iron and Wine
14. Jesus on the Radio by Guster

And I guess if you have no idea what I'm talking about but read this post anyway -- put this mix together, and tell me what you think. Email your comments to the email address listed in my blog profile.



Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mom can be so cute

It's funny how some parents can easily get disconnected from advances in technology. The most troubling digital divide (I like to incorrectly think) is not necessarily a have and a have not between rich and poor, but an understanding and a complete lack thereof between the young and old.

My dad understands email, my dad understands sharing pictures, but the ideas behind web2.0 and social networking techniques and motivations (that surround things like del.icio.us, digg, blogs, flock, writewith, reddit, technorati and all sorts of other social networking platforms) he doesn't quite get. To him, I'm pretty sure it's all just some sort of creepy avenue to cybersex.

But I consider his advances a success.

Mom on the other hand....

Mom hasn't used a computer in ages. It's not wholly her fault, there are some extenuating circumstances that preclude her headlong exploration of computers and the 'net. But one thing I'd think she'd be able to grasp would be voicemail. She gets the concept of email -- for a while she used the local public library to say hi and tell me what the cats did that day. And the day before. And the day before that. And what she thought they might do the following day.

But she doesn't get voicemail.

I have an iPhone. Trying to explain to her what it can do, was a formidable and ultimately futile challenge. I tried to explain visual voicemail, and what that means. All she understands is that one can leave a message. Unfortunately in her technologically immature mind, she sees voicemail on a cell phone as pretty much the same as an answering machine.

This means that every voicemail I get from mom goes just like this: "Hello....Hi. Hello? You there? It's me...your mom. Anyway...."

Anyone who has a cell phone understands that you can't even pick up the phone once the call goes to voicemail, let alone being able to hear the message as it's being left.

But alas, such are the consequences of the parental digital divide.

Oh mom. I still love ya.